
A serious game for hand and wrist rehabilitation

    FarMyo is a game developed to support motor rehabilitation of hand and wrist for patients undergoing rehabilitation due to the occurence of a stroke or similar conditions. The name of the game is a joint of the words "farm", related to the scenario of the game, and "myo", the name of the device used for interaction.


The game FarMyo and the interaction device.

    The game goal consist on collecting items to complete a daily quota. The player needs to make correct movements to reach this goal. By the reading of eletromyographic signals, the device capture user movements. These movements are treated by a methodology developed by LabTEVE that can recognize the gestures performed by the player.

    The game is composed by 3 minigames with different scenarios:

  • The Hennery: the player must collect eggs that fall from trails to boxes. User's hand gestures are used to open or close the boxes (flexion, extension, adduction and abduction of fingers).
  • The Vegetable Garden: User must collect fruits that are positioned in opposite sides of the scenario, avoiding being hit by rolling stones. Wrist movements are used for movements (flexion, extension, ulnar deviation and radial deviation of wrist).
  • The Barn: Corn cobs must be inserted in a grinder. By rotating their arm (supination and pronation movements), the player must follow the aperture shape of the grinder.

Scenario of FarMyo.

Collecting items by supination and pronation movements.


  • Thiago Vinícius Vieira Batista
  • Ana Maria Gondim Valença
  • Liliane dos Santos Machado
  • Ronei Marcos de Moraes

© 2006-2017 LabTEVE