Interactive Archaeology (Ingá Virtual)

    The Laboratories for Experimentation and Research of Audiovisual Technologies - XPTA.LAB is an initiative of the Audiovisual Secretary from the Brazil's Ministry of Culture and intends to, among other objectives, promote the consolidation of laboratories focused on research and experimentation of audiovisual technologies in order to instigate the discussion related to the impact and potentialities of new medias.

    LabTEVE integrated the project "Immersive and Interactive Virtuality Based on Cloud Computing - Support and Development of Multiuser and Distributed Virtual and Augmented Reality Content for Digital TV, Mobile and PC". The project was headed by the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) and includes the associated laboratories: LabTEVE (Federal University of Paraíba), Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Corollarium Tecnologia, State university of São Paulo (UNESP) and Abútua Tecnologia.

The Ingá Stone and other inscriptions found in the site.

    The project Interactive Archaeology developed an immersive and multiplatform environment of the Archaeological Site of Ingá Stone, one of the most important of Brazil. Then, the environment have a set of historic and archaeological information found in the site and in the literature.

    The Archaeological Site of Ingá Stone é is one of the most important archaeological sites in Brazil and the most important in the State of Paraíba. It is registered in the Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage - IPHAN. The modeling in 3D intends to allow cultural spread, besides the preservation of the present, and incorporate elements found in the site.

    The project included the collection of information from the scientific and popular literature, interviews and photographic registry. All data was organized, categorized and treated to be inserted in the virtual environment. The modelling of the virtual environment started from an altimetry map of the real place to allow creating a terrain numerical model that was integrated to an X3D environment.

    When visiting the virtual environment, the visitor can interact with the objects, watch videos, read some notes and know the geography of the site.

Terrain numerical model of the archeological site of Pedra do Ingá.

Examples of data presented to virtual visitors of the archeological site of Pedra do Ingá.

    Integrated to a multi-projection system, the environment was presented in the 1st Exposition of AudioVisual Technological Inovation - XPTA.LAB that occurred in April, 2011 at the Cinemateca Brasileira (São Paulo), when the visitors could surf in 3D through the virtual site.

Multi-projection system presenting the the virtual site of Pedra do Ingá in 3D.

    In 2013, the application was updated to a new platform to provide a game-like experience for visitors. The new Ingá Virtual is more interactive and involving. This new version in available online.

New virtual environment of Ingá Stone.

-----> Acess here the new virtual archeological site of Ingá Stone! <-----


  • Liliane dos Santos Machado (coordenadora)
  • Thaise Kelly de Lima Costa
  • Carlos Xavier de Azevedo Netto
  • Ronei Marcos de Moraes
  • Pablo Cezar Peixe Laranjeira
  • Pablo Rodrigues Rosa
  • Daniel Pires de Sá Medeiros
  • Thiago Vinicius Vieira Batista


  • Brazilian Ministry of Culture (2009-2010)
  • Sociedade Amigos da Cinemateca (2009-2010)

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