Caixa de Pandora Mobile (Pandora's Box Mobile)

A serious game about violence against women

     The focus of the game Caixa de Pandora Mobile is the awareness about violence against women. The game is an extension of the previous serious game Caixa de Pandora developed for personal computers.

    The motivation to migrate the original game to run on mobile platforms was:

  • there is a lack of games that deal with this subject
  • make possible to extend the access and acquisition of knowledge for all society
  • mobile technology if accessible anytime and anywhere

Open the Pandora's Box means to understand the elements that enclose the violence against woman as a social problem that impacts the life and health of its victims.

    The images below show some interfaces of the game and related to the subject "Women things".

Interface of Caixa de Pandora Mobile

    Among the redesign elements, some can be highlighted:

  • the redefinition of dialogues, with less technical terms not aimed to health professionals
  • random presentation of answers
  • update of interaction modes to support touch on screen

    As in the original game, the narrative of Caixa de Pandora Mobile invites the player to think about thesubject by the observation of the life of a woman called Marta. This woman is victim of violence by her partner and ask for attending on the health service.

    The game is composed by 3 levels:

  • Marta childhood
  • Marta's adult life
  • When Marta looks for attending in the health service

    Each level approaches 3 main concepts: (1) Gender, (2) Human Rights and (3) Health. Marta's childhood approaches concepts (1) or (2) in an introductory way; Marta's adult life level include her life with partner and their kids and approaches concepts (2) e (3); and the last level integrates the three concepts, relating them.

    The game was evaluated with graduation and undergraduation students from health courses and students from a public college in João Pessoa. The game Caixa de Pandora Mobile is available for free download. It is a software registered in the Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial.

    Download: Caixa de Pandora Mobile (APK)

    Requirements: mobile device with Android version 4.4 or higher


  • Zildomar Carlos Felix
  • Júlio Raphael O. Silva
  • Liliane dos Santos Machado
  • Luana Rodrigues de Almeida
  • Ana Tereza Medeiros
  • Roberto Gomes (ilustrações)
  • Igor de Tarso (áudio)

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