Serious Games for Speech Therapy

Project supported by CAPES

    Computer games to support speech therapies are an important resource to motivate patients to practice therapeutic exercices. In spite of their relevance, there are few studies and evaluations of games in this area.

    The game Motrilha was developed to support therapies in atypical deglutition. However, the diversity of therapeutic exercices present in the game allow it to be used for other disorders, as oral breathing and aphasia, among others. The game has been developed to an specific public and should be available for free download. The game is a trail in which a sequence of exercices make users work structures and functions present in deglutition.

Main screen of the game Motrilha


  • Azuíla da Silva Sousa
  • Liliane dos Santos Machado
  • Ana Maria Gondim Valença

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